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Be in the Now.mp4
Join in with breath awareness practice

Monday meditation in Henfield, West Sussex

7.30 – 9 pm (donations)

Autumn term Monday 11th September – 18th December 2023

(half term 23rd October)


Sessions also include breath awareness, mantra and relaxation

Meditation is not something new to us it is our birthright, we came into this world with it and as a baby we lived in it. Sadly as we grow its light gets diminished, that is why we become overwhelmed with events in our lives which lead to suffering. Yet under all the chaos and change shines the constant light, which is eternal, unchanging and permanent.

Meditation is a reconnection with that Light, resting in it and feeling is nurturing, loving presence. If it was that easy more people would be doing it therefore it takes a commitment to regular daily practice. Even with 10 minutes you will start to feel its benefits. We all know if you try to sit quietly the mind immediately jumps in with its chatter and running commentary, therefore you need initially to give if something to focus on. This is why the ancient teachers were called Seers, they could penetrate the ‘bond of illusion’ as it says in the Hymns of Creation, to find the Truth. They laid guidelines down which are just a relevant today as when they were first written. The Patanjali Sutras deal with the psychology of the mind and this is what the group has been looking into over the last five years.

It is also a Science of Being and Art of Living, in simple words you test it out for yourself to see if it works – it is experiential. It is helpful to be with a group for support and exploration, as we are all ultimately in the ‘same boat’, that is why satsang is so important.

Since meeting my teacher in 1997 who introduced me to Sanskrit and the Science of Sound, I have endeavoured to use the sutras regularly for over 25 years. This stands me in good stead to help exploration of the teachings. I do not come from an academic back group yet I gained my BA in Social Sciences through the Open University which included psychology and sociology.

The Sanskrit sounds have depth and beauty, which have to be revealed. I have also worked with the Bhagavad Gita, 18 different yogas (approaches to Union) which are designed for the ‘householder’, there is something for everyone in there. Relevant short sutras will be chosen to try out, simply by working with them brings peace and harmony. There are levels of depth to explore to your own comfortable capacity, which in turn ‘lighten your load’ so that the Divine Presence can be felt. The teachings are practical but need unpacking. I heard recently a useful illustration of an elderly man who kept seeing is mother ‘saying he wanted to be with his mummy again’ ‘he did not want to live in the cement world anymore’.

We live in this concrete physical world and rarely look beyond it yet we can easily step into another realm of the subtle and that is meditation – it contains peace, happiness and bliss. It is real and tangible, awaiting your connection.










Meditation is learning to still the mind and overcome the obstacles that cover your essential nature of peace.

Meditiation is a tool for living and can help everyday problems and health concerns, its depth is limitless. Meditation can be life changing - my first book Hidden Path charters my faltering steps and my second book Sowing Seeds builds on what I learnt. Meditation is life changing and life enchancing if you allow it to be. It requires no special place or cost and is available to anyone. It encompasses all religions, focusing on the source and Oneness of all. Get started now with my breath awareness audio.

Stage 1 - breath awareness

slows heart and metabolic rate

calms the mind and its chatter

releases physical/mental/emotional tension

increases subtle energy flow

brings you into the present moment

enhances your subtle awareness

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Become familiar with diaphramatic breathing

proactively utilising the exhalation to release

on physical, mental and emotional levels. 

Dealing with the stress and strain of everyday living

Learning to let go of worry, fear, anger, guilt etc.

Stage 2 builds on stage 1

Regular practise (abhyasa) is needed

Preferably with the support of a teacher

In the energy field of a group

Learn the ancient technique of Sarvayatra the 61 points

utilising breath, life force and mind in one practice.

Proactively bring deep rest to the body, mind and emotions

Deepening a spiritual understanding

Enhancing health and wellbeing

(all my students attest to its therapeutic qualities)

8 basic steps to meditation

Stilling the body and stilling the mind

1. Choose a time in the day which will be quiet & where you will be undisturbed.

2. Choose the place where you will regularly sit to facilitate the above.

3. Find an upright chair so that the spine will be comfortably straight.

4. After sitting comfortably upright, settle yourself with a few deep breathes to let go of all that has gone before. Relax your physical body and mind by breathing out.

5. Closing your eyes, bring your focus to the bottom of the nose where it meets the upper lip and feel the movement of air entering and leaving. If the mind wanders with thoughts, ignore them and bring your focus back to this place and be present with your breath.

6. Follow your inhalation into the lungs and allow the breath to deepen, so that your abdomen gently expands outwards. You are inhaling the vital life force which enlivens and energies the whole of you.

7. The exhalation naturally happens due to the diaphragm pushing out the stale air. This is a lovely cleansing process, clearing the physical, mental and emotions fields as you let go – breathe out all that you do not want (especially mind chatter).

8. Establishing slowly deep rhythmical breathing where the inhalation equals the exhalation starts to slow the physical body and mind down. This is the beginning of meditative awareness.



Our internal field of awareness is initially accessed through breath awareness. As we are conscious beings by turning our attention inwards we can access our inner space which is called ‘citta’ consciousness.

The ancient seers had the ability to delve deep into this space and thus gain all knowledge about our existence, for it is a creative space that contain everything. You would be lucky if you could dive into it straight away. It is possible but normally the journey inwards takes time and regular practice. Padam padam, step by step; the journey is the walking.

It tends to get ignored that we are conscious beings as well as human beings; whereby we get hooked on the external realm and all its enticements which only give momentary happiness. Deep within there is a well of happiness that you can draw from, that is full of ‘isness’, your true being. It is eternal and unmoving which is in contrast to of flux and change of our lives.

Each night in deep sleep we touch its depths, yet remain unaware of its significance. Meditation allows this connection through our inner subtle awareness by turning our attention inwards. Normally we know of this subtle realm as it is full of our constant thoughts and fluctuating emotions. As these are played out the consciousness remains unaffected by all that is played on it. Just as a cinema screen is after the movie is turned off.

Our breath is the tool for the initial journey inwards as it is tangible, real and easy to follow. Breath awareness has many benefits to the mind and body, both being closely linked with the breath. The mind can be used in a positive way by allowing it to focus on the breath, thereby its chatter is reduced. It soon becomes clear, you are not your mind nor your body; yes you have both but they are not the true you.

We have to be inquisitive to know what lies beyond our physical realm, to which we have become fixated to. There is a universal cry against too much mind chatter in the head, leading to stress, sleep disturbances, fears, worry etc. Thoughts can manifest physical symptoms which are taken as real, instead of looking to the source of the problem. Mental agitation blocks one’s ability for self healing. Resting in silence and stillness is very therapeutic and beneficial for the mind as well as the body. Once you do this you become conscious that you can be aware of your thoughts and your body but are not affected by them. Clearly you cannot be these as you are the observer/witness of both. This witness is beyond both and is of your true nature; that which you were born with. The witness is your friend (suhrt) which facilitates weeding out destructive thought patterns and clearing the space of all that colours it.

Breath awareness leads to meditative awareness which is a steady expansion of your consciousness. In this space you are then able to place the divine resonance of the Sanskrit sutras which do their magic. They are seeds which blossom in your field on consciousness, reaping many benefits. The Bhagavad Gita was for the householder, the man/woman in the street. The Patanjali Sutras are a guide to enlightenment. There is something for everyone; they are universal teachings which embrace all religions. Correct pronunciation is important, for they do what they say. Too often it is thought sanksrit will be too difficult but when it is broken down into small components and their worth explored, it is realised you only need a little.

Meditative awareness is preparation for meditation but first you need to realise you are a conscious being who has all possibilities lying at your feet.



Beautiful Peace Invocation to learn and recite in these challenging times

by sounding it you invoke what it says, join in the audio below

sa ha nāvavatu                    May that One Being protect us all

saha nau bhunaktu              May that One Being delight in us all.

saha vīryan karavāvahai       May we grow in strength together.            

tejasvināvadhītam astu        May our joining together give rise to the light of intelligence.                                                                                    mā vidviṣāvahai                  May there be no discord between us. 

auṁ śāntih, śāntih, śāntih    Peace to physical, subtle and causal realms


Listen to the santi patha of the Yajur Veda here

Ten clearly observable effects of meditation


1.  Good physical health and quick recovery in the case of illness.


2.  A sense of renunciation of useless things.

3.  A proper sense of proportion in life.

4.  Strengthening of the faculties of experience.

5.  Forgiveness which depends on not letting the mind get excited. 

     (From this kindness and compassion increase naturally into Universal Love).

6.  Loss of sense of separation

7.  Freedom from greed, envy and malice.

8.  Freedom from fear.


9.  Increase of self-confidence.


10. Gloominess diminishes.  You see the bright side of things.


These are the symptoms of bright meditation and these are the qualities that are most difficult to obtain in any other way. 

But with this they come naturally as hunger is naturally satisfied just from eating.


If one of these effects is observable, then the initiate is enjoying good meditation.